scripts/ -heap 13000M -noout -disable-java-assertions -setprop cpa.predicate.memoryAllocationsAlwaysSucceed=true -predicateAnalysis-PredAbsRefiner-ABEl -setprop cpa.predicate.handlePointerAliasing=false -timelimit 60s -stats -spec test/programs/benchmarks/ssh/ALL.prp test/programs/benchmarks/ssh/s3_srvr.blast.01_false-unreach-call.i.cil.c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 13000M. Running CPAchecker with the following extra VM options: Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 60s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO) CPAchecker 1.4-svn 18912M (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_91) started (, INFO) Handling of pointer aliasing is disabled, analysis is unsound if aliased pointers exist. (PredicateCPA:PathFormulaManagerImpl., WARNING) Using predicate analysis with SMTInterpol 2.1-224-gfd408f2-comp and JFactory 1.21. (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA., INFO) Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy. (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner., INFO) The following configuration options were specified but are not used: cpa.predicate.memoryAllocationsAlwaysSucceed (CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING) Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Program contains array, or pointer (multiple level of indirection), or field (enable handleFieldAccess and handleFieldAliasing) access; analysis is imprecise in case of aliasing. (PredicateCPA:CtoFormulaConverter.makeVariableUnsafe, WARNING) Error path found, starting counterexample check with CPACHECKER. (CounterexampleCheckAlgorithm.checkCounterexample, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (CounterexampleCheck:ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO) Handling of pointer aliasing is disabled, analysis is unsound if aliased pointers exist. (CounterexampleCheck:ValueAnalysisCPA:PathFormulaManagerImpl., WARNING) Error path found and confirmed by counterexample check with CPACHECKER. (CounterexampleCheckAlgorithm.checkCounterexample, INFO) Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) PredicateCPA statistics ----------------------- Number of abstractions: 7 (0% of all post computations) Times abstraction was reused: 0 Because of function entry/exit: 0 (0%) Because of loop head: 7 (100%) Because of join nodes: 0 (0%) Because of threshold: 0 (0%) Times precision was empty: 1 (14%) Times precision was {false}: 0 (0%) Times result was cached: 0 (0%) Times cartesian abs was used: 0 (0%) Times boolean abs was used: 6 (86%) Times result was 'false': 0 (0%) Number of strengthen sat checks: 7 Times result was 'false': 4 (57%) Number of strengthening with abstraction reuse: 0 Number of coverage checks: 741 BDD entailment checks: 7 Number of SMT sat checks: 7 trivial: 0 cached: 0 Max ABE block size: 51 Number of predicates discovered: 6 Number of abstraction locations: 2 Max number of predicates per location: 5 Avg number of predicates per location: 4 Total predicates per abstraction: 24 Max number of predicates per abstraction: 5 Avg number of predicates per abstraction: 4.00 Number of irrelevant predicates: 0 (0%) Number of preds handled by boolean abs: 24 (100%) Total number of models for allsat: 16 Max number of models for allsat: 5 Avg number of models for allsat: 2.67 Number of path formula cache hits: 739 (30%) Time for post operator: 0.237s Time for path formula creation: 0.228s Actual computation: 0.234s Time for strengthen operator: 0.079s Time for satisfiability checks: 0.072s Time for prec operator: 0.596s Time for abstraction: 0.593s (Max: 0.204s, Count: 7) Boolean abstraction: 0.309s Solving time: 0.155s (Max: 0.051s) Model enumeration time: 0.136s Time for BDD construction: 0.010s (Max: 0.008s) Time for merge operator: 0.095s Time for coverage check: 0.001s Time for BDD entailment checks: 0.001s Total time for SMT solver (w/o itp): 0.363s Number of BDD nodes: 259 Size of BDD node table: 605849 Size of BDD cache: 60589 Size of BDD node cleanup queue: 0 (count: 77, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Time for BDD node cleanup: 0.000s Time for BDD garbage collection: 0.000s (in 0 runs) PrecisionBootstrap statistics ----------------------------- Init. function predicates: 0 Init. global predicates: 0 Init. location predicates: 0 AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics ------------------------------------- Number of states: 1 Total time for successor computation: 0.039s Automaton transfers with branching: 0 Automaton transfer successors: 3216 (count: 3216, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1,00) [1 x 3216] CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 1438 Max size of waitlist: 54 Average size of waitlist: 25 Number of computed successors: 1929 Max successors for one state: 2 Number of times merged: 367 Number of times stopped: 367 Number of times breaked: 3 Total time for CPA algorithm: 1.335s (Max: 0.779s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.007s Time for precision adjustment: 0.642s Time for transfer relation: 0.474s Time for merge operator: 0.137s Time for stop operator: 0.026s Time for adding to reached set: 0.021s Predicate-Abstraction Refiner statistics ---------------------------------------- Avg. length of target path (in blocks): 10 (count: 3, min: 2, max: 5, avg: 3,33) Number of infeasible sliced prefixes: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Time for refinement: 0.998s Counterexample analysis: 0.793s (Max: 0.506s, Calls: 3) Refinement sat check: 0.411s Interpolant computation: 0.000s Error path post-processing: 0.169s Path-formulas extraction: 0.000s Building the counterexample trace: 0.000s Extracting precise counterexample: 0.169s Extracting infeasible sliced prefixes: 0.000s Selecting infeasible sliced prefixes: 0.000s Predicate creation: 0.000s Precision update: 0.002s ARG update: 0.005s Length of refined path (in blocks): 3 (count: 1, min: 3, max: 3, avg: 3,00) Number of affected states: 2 (count: 1, min: 2, max: 2, avg: 2,00) Length (states) of path with itp 'true': 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Length (states) of path with itp non-trivial itp: 2 (count: 1, min: 2, max: 2, avg: 2,00) Length (states) of path with itp 'false': 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Different non-trivial interpolants along paths: 1 (count: 1, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1,00) Equal non-trivial interpolants along paths: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Different precisions along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Equal precisions along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0,00) Number of refs with location-based cutoff: 0 CEGAR algorithm statistics -------------------------- Number of refinements: 3 Number of successful refinements: 2 Number of failed refinements: 0 Max. size of reached set before ref.: 1031 Max. size of reached set after ref.: 29 Avg. size of reached set before ref.: 531.00 Avg. size of reached set after ref.: 15.00 Total time for CEGAR algorithm: 2.340s Time for refinements: 1.005s Average time for refinement: 0.335s Max time for refinement: 0.679s Counterexample-Check Algorithm statistics ----------------------------------------- Number of counterexample checks: 1 Number of infeasible paths: 0 (0%) Time for counterexample checks: 1.164s Code Coverage ----------------------------- Function coverage: 0,400 Visited lines: 544 Total lines: 585 Line coverage: 0,930 Visited conditions: 188 Total conditions: 198 Condition coverage: 0,949 CPAchecker general statistics ----------------------------- Number of program locations: 368 Number of CFA edges: 464 Number of relevant variables: 31 Number of functions: 5 Number of loops: 1 Size of reached set: 1031 Number of reached locations: 330 (90%) Avg states per location: 3 Max states per location: 4 (at node N92) Number of reached functions: 2 (40%) Number of partitions: 1028 Avg size of partitions: 1 Max size of partitions: 4 (with key [N92 (before lines 1140-1700), Function ssl3_accept called from node N34, stack depth 2 [2136f94b], stack [main, ssl3_accept]]) Number of target states: 1 Size of final wait list 51 Time for analysis setup: 1.886s Time for loading CPAs: 0.453s Time for loading parser: 0.584s Time for CFA construction: 0.800s Time for parsing file(s): 0.325s Time for AST to CFA: 0.211s Time for CFA sanity check: 0.000s Time for post-processing: 0.111s Time for var class.: 0.000s Time for Analysis: 3.504s CPU time for analysis: 6.620s Time for analyzing result: 0.001s Total time for CPAchecker: 5.394s Total CPU time for CPAchecker: 9.800s Time for statistics: 0.044s Time for Garbage Collector: 0.120s (in 4 runs) Garbage Collector(s) used: PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge Used heap memory: 96MB ( 92 MiB) max; 54MB ( 52 MiB) avg; 104MB ( 99 MiB) peak Used non-heap memory: 24MB ( 23 MiB) max; 19MB ( 18 MiB) avg; 25MB ( 23 MiB) peak Used in PS Old Gen pool: 27MB ( 26 MiB) max; 10MB ( 9 MiB) avg; 27MB ( 26 MiB) peak Allocated heap memory: 318MB ( 303 MiB) max; 254MB ( 242 MiB) avg Allocated non-heap memory: 25MB ( 24 MiB) max; 24MB ( 23 MiB) avg Total process virtual memory: 15836MB ( 15103 MiB) max; 15782MB ( 15051 MiB) avg Verification result: FALSE. Property violation (__VERIFIER_error(); called in line 1711) found by chosen configuration. More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".