Package org.sosy_lab.java_smt.example
Some basic examples for using Java-SMT.
Class Summary Class Description AllSatExample This example shows different ways to get all satisfiable models for a given set of constraints.Binoxxo This program parses a user-given Binoxxo and solves it with an SMT solver.Binoxxo.BinoxxoSolver<S> Binoxxo.BooleanBasedBinoxxoSolver This solver encodes nore steps into boolean logic, which makes it about 10x faster than theBinoxxo.IntegerBasedBinoxxoSolver
.Binoxxo.IntegerBasedBinoxxoSolver FormulaClassifier This program parses user-given formulas and prints out the (minimal) matching theory for them.HoudiniApp This application executes the inductive-invariant synthesis algorithm called "Houdini" taken from the paper Flanagan and Leino: "Houdini, an Annotation Assistant for ESC/Java".Interpolation Examples for Craig/sequential/tree interpolation.NQueens This example program solves a NQueens problem of given size and prints a possible solution.OptimizationFormulaWeights Example for optimizing the weight of some constraints.OptimizationIntReal Example for optimizing 'x' with the constraint '0 <= x < 10'.PrettyPrinter This program parses user-given formulas and prints them in a pretty format.SimpleUserPropagator Example of a simple user propagator that prohibits variables/expressions to be set to true.SolverOverviewTable This program takes all installed solvers and checks them for version, theories and features and prints them to StdOut in a nice table.SolverOverviewTable.RowBuilder This class builds the table row-by-row.SolverOverviewTable.SolverInfo just a wrapper for some data.Sudoku This program parses user-given Sudoku and solves it with an SMT solver.Sudoku.BooleanBasedSudokuSolver Sudoku.EnumerationBasedSudokuSolver Sudoku.IntegerBasedSudokuSolver Sudoku.SudokuSolver<S>