Class PrettyPrinter

  • public class PrettyPrinter
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • formulaToString

        public String formulaToString​(Formula f,
                                      PrettyPrinter.PrinterOption... options)
        This method returns a multi-line String with pretty-formatted and indented subformulas.

        The String representation might contain solver-specific symbols that appear during a visitation of the formula. The returned String is intended to be human-readable and should not be used for further processing. The formatting of this string might change with future development and thus is not considered as "stable". If a user wants to apply further processing, we refer to FormulaManager.dumpFormula(org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BooleanFormula) that provides machine-readable SMTLIB2.

      • formulaToDot

        public String formulaToDot​(Formula f,
                                   PrettyPrinter.PrinterOption... options)
        This method returns a Graphviz/Dot representation of the given formula.

        The graph representation might contain solver-specific symbols that appear during a visitation of the formula. The returned String is intended to be a human-readable graph for Graphviz/Dot and should not be used for further processing. The formatting of this string might change with future development and thus is not considered as "stable". If a user wants to apply further processing, we refer to FormulaManager.dumpFormula(org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BooleanFormula) that provides machine-readable SMTLIB2.