All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractArrayFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractBitvectorFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractBooleanFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractEnumerationFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractEvaluator<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv> |
AbstractFloatingPointFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
Similar to the other Abstract*FormulaManager classes in this package, this class serves as a
helper for implementing FloatingPointFormulaManager .
AbstractFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
Simplifies building a solver from the specific theories.
AbstractModel<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv> |
AbstractNumeralFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,ParamFormulaType extends NumeralFormula,ResultFormulaType extends NumeralFormula,TFuncDecl> |
Similar to the other Abstract*FormulaManager classes in this package, this class serves as a
helper for implementing NumeralFormulaManager .
AbstractNumeralFormulaManager.NonLinearArithmetic |
AbstractProver<T> |
AbstractProverWithAllSat<T> |
This class is a utility-class to avoid repeated implementation of the AllSAT computation.
AbstractQuantifiedFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractSLFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractSolverContext |
AbstractStringFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
AbstractUFManager<TFormulaInfo,TFunctionDecl,TType,TEnv> |
This class simplifies the implementation of the FunctionFormulaManager by converting the types to
the solver specific type.
AbstractUserPropagator |
AllSatExample |
This example shows different ways to get all satisfiable models for a given set of constraints.
ArrayFormula<TI extends Formula,TE extends Formula> |
A formula of the array sort.
ArrayFormulaManager |
This interface represents the theory of (arbitrarily nested) arrays.
BasicProverEnvironment<T> |
BasicProverEnvironment.AllSatCallback<R> |
BasicProverWithAssumptionsWrapper<T,P extends BasicProverEnvironment<T>> |
Binoxxo |
This program parses a user-given Binoxxo and solves it with an SMT solver.
Binoxxo.BinoxxoSolver<S> |
Binoxxo.BooleanBasedBinoxxoSolver |
Binoxxo.IntegerBasedBinoxxoSolver |
BitvectorFormula |
A formula of the bitvector sort.
BitvectorFormulaManager |
Manager for dealing with formulas of the bitvector sort.
BooleanFormula |
A formula of the boolean sort.
BooleanFormulaManager |
Manager for dealing with boolean formulas.
BooleanFormulaSubject |
Subject subclass for testing assertions about BooleanFormulas with Truth (allows using
assert_().about(...).that(formula).isUnsatisfiable() etc.).
BooleanFormulaTransformationVisitor |
Base class for visitors for boolean formulas that recursively transform boolean formulas.
BooleanFormulaVisitor<R> |
Visitor iterating through the boolean part of the formula.
CachingModel |
DebuggingArrayFormulaManager |
DebuggingBitvectorFormulaManager |
DebuggingBooleanFormulaManager |
DebuggingEnumerationFormulaManager |
DebuggingFloatingPointFormulaManager |
DebuggingFormulaManager |
DebuggingIntegerFormulaManager |
DebuggingInterpolatingProverEnvironment<T> |
DebuggingModel |
DebuggingNumeralFormulaManager<ParamFormulaType extends NumeralFormula,ResultFormulaType extends NumeralFormula> |
DebuggingOptimizationProverEnvironment |
DebuggingProverEnvironment |
DebuggingQuantifiedFormulaManager |
DebuggingRationalFormulaManager |
DebuggingSLFormulaManager |
DebuggingSolverContext |
DebuggingSolverInformation |
DebuggingStringFormulaManager |
DebuggingUFManager |
DefaultBooleanFormulaVisitor<R> |
A formula visitor which allows for the default implementation.
DefaultFormulaVisitor<R> |
EnumerationFormula |
A formula of the enumeration sort.
EnumerationFormulaManager |
This interface represents the theory of enumeration, i.e., datatype of limited domain sort (as
defined in the SMTLIB2 standard).
Evaluator |
This class provides methods to get concrete evaluations for formulas from the satisfiable solver
ExpectedFormulaVisitor<R> |
FloatingPointFormula |
Formula of the floating point sort.
FloatingPointFormulaManager |
Floating point operations.
FloatingPointNumber |
Represents a floating-point number with customizable precision, consisting of sign, exponent, and
mantissa components.
FloatingPointNumber.Sign |
FloatingPointRoundingMode |
Possible floating point rounding modes.
FloatingPointRoundingModeFormula |
Formula representing a rounding mode for floating-point operations.
Formula |
An arbitrary SMT formula.
FormulaClassifier |
This program parses user-given formulas and prints out the (minimal) matching theory for them.
FormulaCreator<TFormulaInfo,TType,TEnv,TFuncDecl> |
This is a helper class with several methods that are commonly used throughout the basicimpl
package and may have solver-specific implementations.
FormulaManager |
FormulaManager class contains all operations which can be performed on formulas.
FormulaTransformationVisitor |
Abstract class for formula transformation.
FormulaType<T extends Formula> |
Type of a formula.
FormulaType.ArrayFormulaType<TI extends Formula,TE extends Formula> |
FormulaType.BitvectorType |
FormulaType.EnumerationFormulaType |
FormulaType.FloatingPointType |
FormulaType.NumeralType<T extends NumeralFormula> |
FormulaVisitor<R> |
Visitor iterating through entire formula.
FunctionDeclaration<E extends Formula> |
Function declaration, for both UFs and built-in functions (theory and boolean).
FunctionDeclarationImpl<F extends Formula,T> |
Declaration of a function.
FunctionDeclarationKind |
Types of function declarations.
HoudiniApp |
This application executes the inductive-invariant synthesis algorithm called "Houdini" taken from
the paper Flanagan and Leino: "Houdini, an Annotation Assistant for ESC/Java".
IntegerFormulaManager |
InterpolatingProverEnvironment<T> |
This class provides an interface to an incremental SMT solver with methods for pushing and
popping formulas as well as SAT checks.
InterpolatingProverWithAssumptionsWrapper<T> |
Interpolation |
Examples for Craig/sequential/tree interpolation.
LoggingSolverContext |
SolverContext that wraps all prover environments in their logging versions.
Model |
This class provides a model with concrete evaluations for symbols and formulas from the
satisfiable solver environment.
Model.ValueAssignment |
NNFVisitor |
NQueens |
This example program solves a NQueens problem of given size and prints a possible solution.
NQueens |
This example program solves a NQueens problem of given size and prints a possible solution.
NQueensConstraintPropagator |
In addition to the enumeration done by NQueensEnumeratingPropagator , this propagator also
enforces the queen placement constraints without explicit encoding.
NQueensEnumeratingPropagator |
This propagator enumerates the solutions of the NQueens problem by raising a conflict whenever
the solver finds a model.
NumeralFormula |
Formulas of any numeral sort.
NumeralFormula.IntegerFormula |
NumeralFormula.RationalFormula |
NumeralFormulaManager<ParamFormulaType extends NumeralFormula,ResultFormulaType extends NumeralFormula> |
This interface represents the Numeral Theory.
OptimizationFormulaWeights |
Example for optimizing the weight of some constraints.
OptimizationIntReal |
Example for optimizing 'x' with the constraint '0 <= x < 10'.
OptimizationProverEnvironment |
Interface for optimization modulo SMT.
OptimizationProverEnvironment.OptStatus |
Status of the optimization problem.
PrettyPrinter |
This program parses user-given formulas and prints them in a pretty format.
PrettyPrinter |
PrettyPrinter.PrinterOption |
PropagatorBackend |
The PropagatorBackend class is used by UserPropagator to implement custom user
ProverEnvironment |
An interface to an incremental SMT solver with methods for pushing and popping formulas as well
as SAT checks.
ProverEnvironmentSubject |
Subject subclass for testing assertions about ProverEnvironments with Truth (allows using
assert_().about(...).that(stack).isUnsatisfiable() etc.).
ProverWithAssumptionsWrapper |
QuantifiedFormulaManager |
This interface contains methods for working with any theory with quantifiers.
QuantifiedFormulaManager.Quantifier |
RationalFormulaManager |
RegexFormula |
A formula of the string sort.
ShutdownHook |
A utility class for interrupting a parallel running solver thread.
SimpleUserPropagator |
Example of a simple user propagator that prohibits variables/expressions to be set to true.
SLFormulaManager |
SolverBasedTest0 |
Abstract base class with helpful utilities for writing tests that use an SMT solver.
SolverBasedTest0.ParameterizedSolverBasedTest0 |
SolverContext |
Instances of this interface provide access to an SMT solver.
SolverContext.ProverOptions |
Options for the prover environment.
SolverContextFactory |
Factory class for loading and generating solver contexts.
SolverContextFactory.Solvers |
SolverException |
Exception thrown if there is an error during SMT solving.
SolverOverviewTable |
This program takes all installed solvers and checks them for version, theories and features and
prints them to StdOut in a nice table.
SolverOverviewTable.RowBuilder |
This class builds the table row-by-row.
SolverOverviewTable.SolverInfo |
just a wrapper for some data.
SolverStackTest0 |
SolverStatistics |
SolverUtils |
Central entry point for all utility classes.
StatisticsEnumerationFormulaManager |
StatisticsSolverContext |
StringFormula |
A formula of the string sort.
StringFormulaManager |
Manager for dealing with string formulas.
Sudoku |
This program parses user-given Sudoku and solves it with an SMT solver.
Sudoku.BooleanBasedSudokuSolver |
Sudoku.EnumerationBasedSudokuSolver |
Sudoku.IntegerBasedSudokuSolver |
Sudoku.SudokuSolver<S> |
SynchronizedEnumerationFormulaManager |
SynchronizedSolverContext |
Tactic |
Tactic is a generic formula to formula transformation.
TimerPool |
TimerPool.TimerWrapper |
A minimal wrapper to keep a reference on the timer and provide a limited view.
Tokenizer |
Helper class for splitting up an SMT-LIB2 file into a string of commands.
TraversalProcess |
TraversalProcess.TraversalType |
UfElimination |
UfElimination replaces UFs by fresh variables and adds constraints to enforce the functional
UfElimination.Result |
UFManager |
Manager for dealing with uninterpreted functions (UFs).
UserPropagator |
Allows user-defined propagators (~ theory solvers) to be implemented.